1月23日,三星 Galaxy S25 系列旗舰智能手机正式发布,包含Galaxy S25、Galaxy S25 + 和 Galaxy S25 Ultra 三款机型。
作为迄今为止最薄、最轻、最耐用的 Galaxy S 系列,三星 Galaxy S25 系列的三款机型厚度都比上一代薄了0.4mm,重量上也比上一代轻很多。此外,三星Galaxy S25 Ultra 还一改前代硬朗的直角设计,改用圆润边角设计,不仅提升了握持手感,同时也更符合该系列的整体美学理念。
除了设计风格的变化外,三星 Galaxy S25 Ultra 还采用耐用的钛金属材质边框,以及全新Corning® Gorilla® Armor 2 屏幕盖板。
据三星电子和康宁公司表示,全新Corning® Gorilla® Armor 2 是业界首款专为移动设备设计的抗刮擦、抗反射的玻璃陶瓷盖板材料。作为玻璃陶瓷技术的一项里程碑式的成就,Gorilla Armor 2 将卓越的坚韧性和智能手机显示屏的出色清晰度完美结合。
与第一代Corning® Gorilla® Armor相比,Gorilla Armor 2在耐用性方面有了显著提升——配备Gorilla Armor 2的设备能够更加从容地应对日常生活中各种粗暴且不可预见的挑战。具体来说,当设备掉落在粗糙、具有挑战性的表面上时,Gorilla Armor 2凭借其独特设计,能够更有效地抵御破裂等损伤。
Gorilla Armor 2的抗反射特性可显著减少室内和室外环境下的表面反射。这些特性可以提升显示屏的对比度,为用户在各种光照条件下带来卓越的使用体验。
此外,在康宁实验室测试中,Gorilla Armor 2在从高达2.2米的高度掉落到模拟混凝土表面时仍能完好无损。而其他玻璃陶瓷材料在从1米高度掉落时就已破裂。此外,Gorilla Armor 2保持了其一贯出色的抗刮擦能力,其抗刮擦能力比市场上其他带有抗反射涂层的锂铝硅盖板玻璃高出4倍以上。

Aibang Southeast Asia New Materials Forum
2025年 4月9日 越南(河内及周边)
April 9th 2025, Hanoi, Vietnam
1. 市场趋势分析:
● 越南塑料行业的现状与未来趋势
Current status and future trends of the Vietnam plastics industry
● 东南亚塑料市场的全球定位与竞争力分析
Global positioning and competitiveness analysis of the Southeast Asian plastics market
Technology and Innovation:
Applications and development of high-performance engineering plastics
Sustainable production technologies and the circular economy in the plastics industry
Innovative solutions for consumer electronics materials
Extrusion Machinery in the Vietnamese Market: Driving the Future of Manufacturing
Future Injection Molding Factories: The New Era of All-Electric and Automation
Advanced Surface Treatment Technologies and Equipment in 3C Consumer Electronics
Policy Environment and Factory Investment:
● Vietnamese government support policies for plastics and related industries
Current status of China-Vietnam trade relations and their impact on the plastics industry
● Sustainable development of plastics factories
Raw Materials and Additives Supply Chain:
Building an efficient China-Vietnam plastics industry supply chain
Chinese plastics additives enterprises aiding the high-quality development of Vietnam's plastics
Market Entry and Risk Management:
Strategies and operational guidelines for entering the Vietnamese market
Risk assessment and management practices in Vietnam
Case Studies and Upstream-Downstream Integration:
Case studies of successful Chinese enterprises establishing factories in Vietnam
Investment and cooperation case analysis of the Vietnam plastics industry
Dialogue between Chinese and Vietnamese entrepreneurs and policymakers
● 探讨如何通过政策和市场力量推动行业的可持续发展
Discussion on promoting sustainable industry development through policies and market forces

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原文始发于微信公众号(艾邦智造资讯):三星 Galaxy S25 Ultra 业界首发抗刮擦、抗反射的玻璃陶瓷盖板